American University Washington College of Law Moot Court Honor Society Hosts Wechsler National First Amendment Moot Court Competition

Moot Court Honor Society and Judges
Pictured above: Kathryn Suma, Wechsler co-director; Alanna Kennedy, Moot Court Honor Society president; Judge Tim Dyk, U.S. Court of Appeals for Federal Circuit; Chief Judge Roger Gregory, U.S. Court of Appeals for Fourth Circuit; Judge Reggie Walton, U.S. District Court for D.C.; Agnes Nazarian, Moot Court Honor Society competitions director; Becky Kumar, Moot Court Honor Society vice-president; Desi Kireva, Wechsler co-director.

From Oct. 21-22, the American University Washington College of Law Moot Court Honor Society held the Wechsler National First Amendment Moot Court Competition at the school’s new Tenley Campus. Twenty-seven teams from across the U.S. competed in two rounds on Friday before eliminations began in the evening round, and continued in quarterfinals, semifinals, and finals on Saturday. The competition, based on First Amendment law issues, requires participating teams to submit briefs and present oral arguments before a panel of judges.

In the final round, the team from Michigan State University College of Law defeated the University of Kansas School of Law, arguing before Federal Circuit Appeals Court Judge Tim Dyk, U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton, and our Jurist-in-Residence, Chief Judge Roger Gregory of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. Moot Court Honor Society members, along with alumni and faculty served as judges, bailiffs, and scorekeepers.  
