American University Washington College of Law Announces 2016-2017 Teaching and Service Award Recipients

Faculty Award Winners
Mary Ellen Barbera, Padideh Ala'i, Gary Bair, Lindsay Wiley, and Christine Farley.

American University Washington College of Law has announced its 2016-2017 Teaching and Service Award recipients. The faculty will be recognized in a luncheon reception on November 9. In an announcement to the law school community, Dean Nelson commented, "Teaching and institutional, as well as professional, service are at the heart of our roles as law professors. As a community that highly values teaching excellence and service, we celebrate and congratulate our professors for their extraordinary commitment and achievements."

This year's awardees include:

Professor Christine Farley - Excellence in Teaching Award
This award recognizes outstanding teaching, as reflected by thoughtful pedagogy, commitment to student mentoring and advising, institutional leadership focused on improving the variety, quality, and rigor of teaching at the Washington College of Law (e.g., development or revitalization of courses, mentoring of colleagues in teaching, etc.), and/or the creation of an intellectually challenging classroom environment.

Professor Lindsay Wiley - Innovation in Pedagogy Award
This award recognizes exceptional creativity and innovation in instruction, including but not limited to, the use of technology.

Professors Gary Bair and Mary Ellen Barbera - Adjunct Teaching Award
This award recognizes outstanding teaching, thoughtful pedagogy, committed student mentoring, or exceptional creativity and innovation in instruction by a member of the adjunct faculty.

Professor Padideh Ala'i - Outstanding Service Award
This award recognizes a faculty member’s outstanding service either outside or within the law school or university. External service may include, but is not limited to, involvement with local or national organizations, professional associations and bodies, pro bono work, and volunteer work. Internal service may include, but is not limited to, involvement with faculty committees, support to student organizations, and collaborations with other offices at WCL.
