Apr 12 Mon

Restoring Public Integrity: Recommendations for the Biden Administration

12:00PM - 01:15PM
President Biden committed to take action to restore public integrity, transparency and respect for the rule of law. Please join our experts for a discussion of the challenges and the executive and legislative proposals for domestic reform and to reestablish US leadership on the international anti-corruption agenda.

Charles “Ches” Garrison – Senate Judiciary Committee Criminal Justice &
Counterterrorism Subcommittee, Senior Counsel.

Drago Kos – Chair, OECD Working Group on Bribery; Co-Chair of MENA – OECD Business
Integrity Network; former International Commissioner & Chair of the MEC Afghanistan, &
former Chair, GRECO.

Lucinda Low – Partner, Steptoe & Johnson, Vice Chair, Coalition for Integrity (C4I); former
Chair ABA Section of International Law and President of ASIL.

Walther M. Shaub Jr. – Senior Ethics Fellow & lead Government Ethics Initiative, Project on
Government Oversight (POGO); former Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics; former
Senior Director, Ethics, Campaign Legal Center.

Nancy Boswell – Director, Anti-Corruption Law Certificate & CLE Program & Adjunct
Professor, AU Washington College of Law; former CEO, Transparency International USA.


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