Oct 05 Tue

Health Law and Policy Program Resume and Cover Letter Tune-Up Session

12:00PM - 01:00PM Online via Zoom

The Health Law and Policy Program is holding a resume and cover letter tune-up review session for upper-level students on Tuesday, October 5th and Thursday, October 7th from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm ET via Zoom. Please RSVP to Program Coordinator Tori Nadel at vnadel@wcl.american.edu by 12:00 pm on Monday, October 4th if you are interested in attending and include your resume and/or cover letter in your email.

  • Meeting
  • Open To Students AND Faculty/Staff
Oct 05 Tue

OctoBAR - Selecting a Bar jurisdiction

12:00PM - 01:00PM Zoom

How do you decide where to take the bar exam? Join OAE and the Office of Career and Professional Development to learn about the factors you should consider.

  • Presentation
  • Open To Students
Oct 05 Tue

JD/MA Info Session

12:00PM - 01:00PM Washington College of Law

 Join us in Y402 to learn more about the JD/MA program! Learn the benefits of dual degree, application logistics, meet other JD/MAs and the Program Director, and join the JD/MA WhatsApp!

  • Information Session
  • Open To Students
Oct 05 Tue

General Body Meeting: Technology, Law & Security Society

12:00PM - 01:00PM NT08

Join the Technology, Law & Security Society General Body Meeting! Meet the executibe board, hear about upcoming events and opportunities, and get to know WCL peers with similar interests.

We will have a Zoom option for those who cannot join in person, please check back for the Zoom link.

  • Meeting
  • Open To Students
Oct 05 Tue

1L Elections!

12:00PM - 10:00PM

 The 1L Elections process to the SBA Senate will kick off this week.

Students interested in running to be their section's 1L Senator must attend a mandatory information session. There are three opportunities to attend a mandatory session (candidates are only required to attend one session):

*Tuesday, October 5 at 12 PM
*Wednesday, October 6 at 12 PM
*Wednesday, October 6 at 10 PM

Each session will take place in the Ceremonial Classroom (NT01). For questions, please contact Vanesa Martinez-Chacon (sbaelections@wcl.american.edu) or Lex Adams (sbavp@wcl.american.edu).

  • Information Session
  • Open To Students