Mar 03 Wed

SBA Presidential / Vice Presidential Town Hall

10:00PM - 11:30PM Washington College of Law - Online

Please join the Student Bar Association for their annual Presidential / Vice Presidential Town Hall. The Town Hall will be held March 3rd at 10 PM. The Senate Parliamentarian will be hosting the event. If you would like to submit a question in advance, please contact the Parliamentarian at All students and staff are welcome! 

  • Seminar
  • Open To Students
Mar 04 Thu

WLP Lunch & Learn: Menstrual Justice

12:00PM - 01:15PM Washington College of Law

Visiting Professor Margaret Johnson will be sharing her work on how people who menstruate are robbed of their dignity and forced to bear pain in silence and in shame. Professor Johnson will discuss how trans and nonbinary people are often erased from the dialogue on this issue, its disproportionate impact on low-wage workers, and the work she has been doing to secure menstrual dignity for everyone, including incarcerated individuals and young people in schools. Join us this (virtual) lunch hour. 

  • Lecture
  • Open To Students
Mar 04 Thu

Professional Affiliation Outreach

12:00PM - 01:30PM

The Office of Career and Professional Development in collaboration with the Humphrey Fellowship Program and The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship in Journalism at ASU, will host a professional development session titled, “Professional Affiliation Outreach” on March 4 at 12-1:30 pm EST. This session will discuss steps involved in outreach (i.e. engaging in networking opportunities and requesting virtual meetings) for Humphrey Fellows to secure professional affiliations.

Visit CareerLink for full information. 

  • Workshop
  • Open To Students
Mar 05 Fri

AULPB Spring Symposium

12:00PM Virtual

This year's Symposium will be an overview of the CARES Act and a reflection of the 2020 election, and will feature speakers from the Center for Responsible Lending, the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee, The Heritage Foundation, Covington & Burling LLP, and the Brennan Center for Justice. Please register for the event using the following registration link, and the information for the Zoom room will be sent to you at a later date. We look forward to a great event and hope you will join us.

  • Conference
  • Open To The Public, Students, Faculty/Staff AND
Mar 05 Fri

IP Brief Review: "When Seeing Is No Longer Believing: Deep Fakes, The Right of Publicity, and CDA 230 Reform"

12:00PM - 01:00PM

Join the IP Brief, Ryan Reynolds, and Professor Alex Joel in our discussion on deep-fakes and the role they play in government and intellectual property.

  • Seminar
  • Open To Students