International Standards for the Treatment of Victims and Witnesses in Proceedings before the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia for the Prosecution of Crimes Committed During the Period of Democratic Kampuchea

May 2004

This project was funded by the Open Society Institute and produced in collaboration with Open Society Justice Initiative.

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Open Society Justice Initiative Mission Statement

The Open Society Justice Initiative, an operational program of the Open Society Institute, promotes rights-based law reform, builds knowledge, and strengthens legal capacity worldwide. Justice Initiative projects seek to shape law reform policy and achieve concrete results through hands-on technical assistanace, litigation and legal services, knowledge dissemination and network building, and counsel to donor institutions. The Justice Initiative works in the following thematic areas: national criminal justice reform, international justice, freedom of information and expression, equality and citizenship, and anticorruption. The Justice Initiative has offices in New York, Budapest, and Abuja, Nigeria.