2009-2010 War Crimes Speaker Series

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon and the Pursuit of Justice for Terrorism

Guido Acquaviva, Legal Officer in the Chambers for the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL), spoke about the first year of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and the expected challenges ahead, from both an organizational and a legal perspective. He also shared with those in attendance his ideas on internships and future work opportunities with the Tribunal.

Pursuing Gender Justice at the International Criminal Court (ICC)

Katrina Anderson, a WCL Alumna and Legal Officer for the Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice, an international women’s human rights organization based in The Hague, The Netherlands, which advocates for gender inclusive justice through the ICC and works with women most affected by the conflict situations under investigation by the ICC, was scheduled to speak about the Women’ Initiatives Gender Report Card on the ICC but the event was cancelled due to the snow-related university closure in February.

The Mandate and Limits of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon

Cecile Aptel, Senior Fellow at the International Center for Transitional Justice and former Senior Policy and and Legal Officer of the International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, discussed the background, start-up phase, and future of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

The War Crimes Chamber in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Melissa Ruggiero, International Legal Officer of the War Crimes Chamber (WCC) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, described her work at the WCC and how she got involved in the field of international criminal law.

U.S. Policy Toward the International Criminal Court

Michael Mattler, Minority Chief Counsel of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, discussed U.S. policy toward the International Criminal Court.