Our Publications
- Gary P. Corn, National Security in the Digital Age, in National Security Law and the Constitution(Wolters Kluwer)(3rd ed. 2025)(forthcoming)
- Gary P. Corn & Amy C. Gaudion, The Role of Law, Lawyers, and Institutions in the National Security Decision-Making Process, in National Security Law and the Constitution(Wolters Kluwer)(3rd ed. 2025)(forthcoming)
- Gary P. Corn & Sean Watts, Protection of Nuclear Facilities in Warfare Under International Law in Thinking the Unthought: Unexplored Nuclear Wars (Columbia Un. Press)(December 2024)
- Joel, Alex, "Necessity, Proportionality, and Executive Order 14086" (2023). Joint PIJIP/TLS Research Paper Series. 99.
https://digitalcommons.wcl.american.edu/research/99 - Trivedi, Prem M., "Content Governance in the Shadows: How Telcos & Other Internet Infrastructure Companies "Moderate" Online Content" (2023). Joint PIJIP/TLS Research Paper Series. 90.
https://digitalcommons.wcl.american.edu/research/90 - Joel, Alex and Pervaiz, Shanzay, "Data Localization and Government Access to Data Stored Abroad: Discussion Paper 2" (2023). Joint PIJIP/TLS Research Paper Series. 87. https://digitalcommons.wcl.american.edu/research/87
- Comizio, V. Gerard; Corn, Gary; Deckelman, William; Hopkins, Karl; Hughes, Mark; McCarty, Patrick; Raman, Sujit; Sanger, Kurt; Schwartz, Ari; Teplinsky, Melanie; and Colling, Jackson, "Combating Ransomware: One Year On" (2023). Joint PIJIP/TLS Research Paper Series. 83.
https://digitalcommons.wcl.american.edu/research/83 - Draper, Laura, "Protecting Children in the Age of End-to-End Encryption" (2022). Joint PIJIP/TLS Research Paper Series. 80.
Program Director
- Gary P. Corn, National Security in the Digital Age, in National Security Law and the Constitution(Wolters Kluwer)(3rd ed. 2025)(forthcoming)
- Gary P. Corn & Amy C. Gaudion, The Role of Law, Lawyers, and Institutions in the National Security Decision-Making Process, in National Security Law and the Constitution(Wolters Kluwer)(3rd ed. 2025)(forthcoming)
- Gary P. Corn & Sean Watts, Protection of Nuclear Facilities in Warfare Under International Law in Thinking the Unthought: Unexplored Nuclear Wars (Columbia Un. Press)(December 2024)
- Gary P. Corn & Eric Talbot Jensen, "Attacking" Big Data: Strategic Competition, the Race for AI, and the International Law of Cyber Sabotage in Big Data and Armed Conflict: Legal Issues Above and Below the Armed Conflict Threshold (Oxford Un. Press) (forthcoming) (October 2023).
- Gary P. Corn & Geoffrey S. Corn, Putin's terror state and the not so new world order, Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law - University of Pennsylvania (April 2022).
- Gary P. Corn, Ukraine Symposium - The Law of Crowdsourced War: Democratized Supply Chains - Part I, Lieber Institute - West Point (Mar. 1, 2023).
- Gary P. Corn, Ukraine Symposium - The Law of Crowdsourced War: Democratized Supply Chains - Part II, Lieber Institute - West Point (Mar. 15, 2023).
- Gary P. Corn, Cyber Conflict: From Apathy to Action, American Bar Association (Jan. 6, 2023).
- Gary P. Corn, Ukraine Symposium - The Ukraine Conflict, Smart Phones, and the LOAC of Takings, Lieber Institute - West Point (Apr. 7, 2022).
- Gary P. Corn, The Fog of War, Civilian Resistance, and the Soft Underbelly of Unprivileged Belligerency, Lieber Institute - West Point (Mar. 10, 2022).
- Gary P. Corn & Emily Goldman, Defend Forward and Persistent Engagement, in The United States’ Defend Forward Cyber Strategy: A Comprehensive Legal Assessment (Oxford Un. Press 2022)
- Gary P. Corn & Peter Renals, Scenarios for Defend Forward, in The United States’ Defend Forward Cyber Strategy: A Comprehensive Legal Assessment (Oxford Un. Press 2022)
- Gary P. Corn, Covert Deception, Strategic Fraud, and the Rule of Prohibited Intervention, in The United States’ Defend Forward Cyber Strategy: A Comprehensive Legal Assessment (Oxford Un. Press 2022)
- Gary P. Corn, National Security Decision-Making in the Age of Technology: Delivering Outcomes on Time and on Target, 12, 61 J. Nat’l Security L. & Pol’y.
- Gary P. Corn & Vince Stewart, The U.S. must do what it takes to achieve national security in the age of cyber conflict, Fortune (Dec. 2021).
- Gary P. Corn, International Law’s Role in Combating Ransomware?, Just Security (Aug. 23, 2021).
- Gary P. Corn, Israel, Cyber Sabotage and International Law, The MirYam Institute (July 16, 2021)
- Gary P. Corn, Authorities and Legal Considerations For US Cyber & Information Operations in a Contested Environment, Modern War Institute (Mar. 29, 2021)
- Gary P. Corn & Jack Goldsmith, How to Think About Chinese-Owned Technology Platforms Operating in the United States, Lawfare (Feb. 2021)
- Gary P. Corn, et al., Chinese Technology Platforms Operating in the United States: Assessing the Threat, Hoover Inst. Press (Feb. 2021)
- Gary P. Corn, The Legal Aspects of Banning Chinese Drone Technology, Lawfare (Feb. 2021)
- Gary P. Corn, Solar Winds Is Bad, but Retreat From Defend Forward Would be Worse, Lawfare (Jan. 2021)
- Gary P. Corn & Geoffrey S. Corn, Preface to Legal Aspects of Innovation, 41 NATO Legal Gazette 6 (Oct. 2020)
- Gary P. Corn, Intro to Covert Deception, Strategic Fraud, and the Rule of Prohibited Intervention, Lawfare (Sep. 2020)
- Gary P. Corn, Cyber Operations and the Imperfect Art of “Translating” the Law of War to New Technologies, Articles of War (Lieber Institute, West Point)(Sep. 2020)
- Gary P. Corn, Covert Deception, Strategic Fraud, and the Rule of Prohibited Intervention, Hoover Inst. Aegis Paper Series (Sep. 2020)
- Gary P. Corn, Coronavirus Disinformation and the Need for States to Shore Up International Law, Lawfare (Apr. 2020)
- Gary P. Corn, National Security in the Digital Age, in National Security Law and the Constitution (Wolters Kluwer)(2020)
- Gary Corn, Punching on the Edges of the Grey Zone: Iranian Cyber Threats and State Cyber Responses, Just Security (Feb. 11, 2020).
- Colonel Gary P. Corn, The Potential Human Costs of Eschewing Cyber Operations, ICRC, Humanitarian Law & Policy Blog (May 31, 2019)
- Colonel Gary Corn & Eric Jensen, The Technicolor Zone of Cyberspace, Part 2, Just Security (June 8, 2018).
- Colonel Gary Corn & Eric Jensen, The Technicolor Zone of Cyberspace, Part 1, Just Security (May 30, 2018).
- Colonel Gary Corn & Eric Jensen, The Use of Force and Cyber Countermeasures, 32 Temp. Int'l & Comp L.J. 127 (2018).
- Colonel Gary P. Corn & Commander Peter Pascucci, The Law of Armed Conflict Implications of Covered or Concealed Cyber Operations – Perfidy, Ruses, and the Principle of Passive Distinction in The Impact of Emerging Technologies on the Law of Armed Conflict (Oxford Un. Press)(2019)
- Colonel Gary P. Corn, Cyber National Security: Navigating Gray Zone Challenges In and Through Cyberspace, in Complex Battlespaces: The Law of Armed Conflict and the Dynamics of Modern Warfare (Oxford Un. Press)(2019)(awarded the 2018 Keithe E. Nelson Distinguished Service Award (Writing) from the American Bar Association, Standing Committee on Armed Forces Law)
- Gary P. Corn & Robert Taylor, Concluding Observations on Sovereignty in Cyberspace, 111 AJIL Unbound 282 (Aug. 21, 2017).
- Colonel Gary P. Corn & Robert Taylor, Sovereignty in the Age of Cyber, 111 AJIL Unbound 207 (2017).
- Colonel Gary Corn, Tallinn Manual 2.0-Advancing the Conversation, Just Security (Feb. 15, 2017).
- Colonel Gary P. Corn, Should the Best Offense Ever Be a Good Defense? The Public Authority to Use Force in Military Operations: Recalibrating the Use of Force Rules in the Standing Rules of Engagement, 49 Vand. J. Transactional L. 1 (2016).
- Colonel Gary P. Corn, Developing Rules of Engagement: Operationalizing Law, Policy, and Military Imperatives at the Strategic Level, in US Military Operations: Law, Policy, and Practice, (Oxford Un. Press, 2015)
- Colonel Gary P. Corn, et al., Targeting and the Law of Armed Conflict, in US Military Operations: Law, Policy, and Practice, (Oxford Un. Press, 2015)
- Geoffrey S. Corn & Gary P. Corn, The Law of Operational Targeting: Viewing the LOAC Through an OperationalLens, 47 Tex. Int'l L.J. 337 (2012).
- Major Gary P. Corn, After Action Review (AAR) of Attendance at the Brazilian Army Command and General Staff College, 402 The Army Law. 53 (Nov. 2006)
- Major Gary P. Corn, Ghost Soldiers: The Forgotten Epic Story of World War II's Most Dramatic Mission, 170 Mil. L. Rev. 235 (2001).
- Gary P. Corn, The Appellate Process in Spain, in Arbitration in Spain, (Butterworths, 1991)
Senior Fellow
- Ya'ara Barnoon, "America's sorely needed internet declaration is far from redundant," The Hill (May 12, 2022).
- Ya'ara Barnoon, "US officials have much to learn from Afghanistan's 'Digital Dunkirk'," The Hill (September 9, 2021).
Senior Project Director & TLS Team Leader
Alex Joel, "Redress: What is the problem?," European Law Blog (September 28, 2021).
Alex Joel, "Seek and Speak the Truth," Just Security, (Apr. 16, 2020).
Alex Joel, "9/11 All Over Again," Just Security, (Apr. 10, 2020).
- Alex Joel,“Beyond Snowden” and Transparency on Section 702," Lawfare (Sept. 8, 2017).
- Alex Joel, "The Truth about Executive Order 12333," Political (Aug. 18, 2014).
- Alex Joel, "The Job of Protecting Security and Privacy," McClatchy-Tribune News Service (Aug. 13, 2013).
- Alex Joel, Choosing Both: Making Technology Choices at the Intersections of Privacy and Security, 88 Texas Law Review 1751.
- Alex Joel, A Matter of Balance, University of Michigan Law School Symposium, "State Intelligence Gathering and International Law," reprinted in University of Michigan Law Quadrangle Notes (Spring 2007).
- Alex Joel, Book Review: The Lawful Rights of Mankind, 84 Michigan Law Review 994 (1986).
Scholar in Residence (Former)
Corin Stone, "The Integration of Artificial Intelligence in the Intelligence Community: Necessary Steps to Scale Efforts and Speed Progress," AU WCL Digital Commons (2021).
Corin Stone, "Artificial Intelligence in the Intelligence Community: The Tangled Web of Budget & Acquisition," Just Security, September 28, 2021.
Corin Stone, Jack of All Trades, Master of None: Managing the Intelligence Community of the Future, 12, 53 J. Nat’l Security L. & Pol’y, .
Corin Stone, “Artificial Intelligence in the Intelligence Community: Culture is Critical,” Just Security, August 17, 2021.
Corin Stone, “Artificial Intelligence in the Intelligence Community: Money is Not Enough,” Just Security, July 12, 2021.
Alex Joel and Corin Stone, “Getting the T’s and C’s Right: The Lessons of Intelligence Reform,” Just Security, November 23, 2020.
Matthew Adler and Corin Stone, The Draft Hague Convention on Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Civil and Monetary Judgments, International Distribution Law 237 (Campbell and Seifarth, eds.) (2001)
Corin Stone, The Fourth Amendment in Public Schools: An Overview, 25 SEARCH AND SEIZURE LAW REPORT 9 (1998).
John Burkoff, and Corin Stone, Appellate Review of Warrantless Search Determinations: The Triumph of the ‘De Novo’ Standard, 23 SEARCH AND SEIZURE LAW REPORT 65 (1996)
Affiliated Faculty, Interim Dean of American University School of Communications (Former)
- Laura DeNardis, The Internet in Everything: Freedom and Security in a World with No Off Switch (forthcoming Jan. 2020).
- Laura DeNardis, Governance by Infrastructure, in The Turn to Infrastructure in Internet Governance, 3-21 (2016).
- Laura DeNardis, The Global War for Internet Governance (2014).
- Laura DeNardis, Opening Standards: The Global Politics of Interoperability (2011).
- Laura DeNardis, Protocol Politics: The Globalization of Internet Governance (2009).
- Pelin Aksoy & Laura DeNardis, Information Technology in Theory (2007).
Affiliated Faculty, Professor of Law
- Kenneth Anderson & Matthew C. Waxman, Debating Autonomous Weapon Systems, Their Ethics, and their Regulation Under International Law the Oxford Handbook of the Regulation of Technology (Karen Young, et al., eds., Oxford U. Press 2017).
- Kenneth Anderson, Civil Society: Do NGOs Have Too Much Power?, in Controversies in Globalization: Contending Approaches to International Relations, 364-370 (Peter M. Hass, CQ Press 2009).
Affiliated Faculty, Professor of Law
- Hilary J. Allen, Financial Stability Regulation as Indirect Investor/Consumer Protection Regulation: Implications for Regulatory Mandates and Structure, 90 Tul. L. Rev. 1113 (2016).
Affiliated Faculty, Visiting Professor of Law
- Andrew Guthrie Ferguson, Big Data Prosecution and Brady, forthcoming Ucla L. Rev (2020).
Affiliated Faculty, Professor of Law
- Rebecca J. Hamilton, Platform-Enabled Crimes: Closing the Accountability Gap for Social Media Companies that Facilitate International Crimes,B.C.L. Rev (forthcoming 2022).
- Rebecca J. Hamilton, The Int'l Criminal Court's Ukraine Investigation: A Test Case for User-Generated Evidence, Just Security, (Mar. 2, 2022).
- Rebecca J. Hamilton, New Media Evidence Across International Courts and Tribunals, in Beyond Fragmentation: Competition and Collaboration Among International Courts and Tribunals (Giorgetti & Pollack, eds.) (2022).
- Rebecca J. Hamilton, Africa, the Court, and the Council, in Elgar Companion to International Criminal (2020).
- Rebecca J. Hamilton, Jesner v. Arab Bank, 112 Am. J. Int’l L.,720 (2018).
- Rebecca J. Hamilton, New Technologies in International Criminal Investigations,in Proceedings of the 111th Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law (2018).
- Rebecca Hamilton, Fighting for Darfur: Public Action and the Struggle to Stop Genocide.
- Rebecca Hamilton, Citizen-Driven Political Will, in Confronting Genocide: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice (René Provost & Payam Akhavan eds.) (2011).
- Rebecca Hamilton & Sarah Knuckey, Time to Dust Off the War Crimes Act?, Just Security (May 9, 2018),
Senior Fellow
- “We Need a Cybersecurity Paradigm Change,”The Hill, February 15, 2022 (co-authored with Franklin D. Kramer and Robert J. Butler).
- “Cybersecurity for Innovative Small and Medium Enterprises and Academia,” Atlantic Council, January 2022 (co-authored with Franklin D. Kramer and Robert J. Butler).
- “Cyber Security and Tailored Deterrence,”Readings in American Foreign Policy, Glenn P. Hastedt (Rowman & Littlefield, 2017) reprinted from Atlantic Council, January 2014 (co-authored with Franklin Kramer).
- “Cybersecurity and the Cyberthreat Deterrence Trend,” Recent Trends in National Security Law, (Aspatore Books, 2015).
- “Cyber Sanctions After Sony,” The Hill, February 5, 2015 (co-authored with Franklin Kramer).
- “Stronger Locks and Taller Fences Won’t Stop Cybercrime,” 1776, November 2014.
- “Fiddling on the Roof: Recent Developments in Cybersecurity,” American University Business Law Review, Spring 2013, Vol. 2, Issue 2.
- “Mapping Today’s Cybersecurity Landscape,”American University Law Review, Spring 2013 (co-authored with Jorge Contreras and Laura DeNardis).
- Berkman, Ben; Stacey M. Brandenburg, Melanie Teplinsky, Wayne Rosenkrans, and Lindsay Wiley (2011) "Panel 2: Ethical, Privacy and Budgetary Considerations of Personalized Medicine," Health Law and Policy Brief: Vol. 5: Iss. 2, Article 3.
- “Critical Infrastructure Protection Policy in the US,” Cybercrimes: A Multidisciplinary Analysis, Ghosh & Turrini (Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2010).
- “Spurring the Private Sector: Indirect Federal Regulation of Cybersecurity in the US,”Cybercrimes: A Multidisciplinary Analysis, Ghosh & Turrini (Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2010) (co-authored with Stewart Baker).
- “The Legal Significance of Information Assurance Standards,” The Executive’s Desk Book on Corporate Risks and Responses for Homeland Security, 2003 (co-authored with Stewart Baker).
- “The Response to Cyberattacks: Balancing Security and Cost,” The International Lawyer, Vol. 36, No. 1, Spring 2002 (co-authored with Peter Lichtenbaum).
- “Should a Corporation Report a Breach to Law Enforcement?” Secure Business Quarterly, Third Quarter, 2001 (co-authored with Maury Shenk).
- “Will Trump Sink Privacy Shield?” February 24, 2017.??
- “How the Justice Department Data Sharing Plan Defends Privacy,” July 27, 2016 (co-authored with Jennifer Daskal).
- “Why Trade Secrets Bill Will Deter Cybercrime,” April 5, 2016.
- “The San Bernardino iPhone and the ‘Going Dark’ Myth,” March 30, 2016.
- “Why Privacy Shield Isn’t Impenetrable,” Feb. 3, 2016.
- “Cox Fine Should Force Telecoms to Get Serious About Data Security,” November 10, 2015.
- “How USA Freedom Is a Victory for American Spy Agencies,” June 3, 2015.
- “The Pentagon’s Troubling New Battle Against Internet Anonymity,” May 18, 2015.
- “The Pentagon’s Risky Offensive Cyberstrategy,” May 5, 2015.
- “What Cybersecurity Pros Can Learn From Ocean’s Eleven,” February 25, 2015.
Senior Fellow
- Arthur Traldi, "Special Tribunal for Lebanon Hands Down Historic Verdict on Hariri Assassination Charges," Lawfare (August 20, 2020).
- Arthur Traldi and Adam Pearlman, "Greater Than the Sum of the Parts: Cumulative Charging of Islamic State Fighters in Domestic Trials," Lawfare (July 2, 2020).
Senior Researcher (Former)
- Jenna Ruddock and Justin Sherman, Parler's Return Shows the Content Moderation Conversation Needs to Change, Slate (Aug. 4, 2021).
- Jenna Ruddock and Justin Sherman, Widening the Lens on Content Moderation, Joint PIJIP/TLS Research Paper Series, 69 (July 2021).
- Jenna Ruddock, et. al., All the Ways Congress Wants to Change Section 230, Slate (Mar. 23, 2021).
- Jenna Ruddock, Coming Down the Pipeline: First Amendment Challenges to State-Level "Critical Infrastructure" Trespass Laws, American University Law Review, Vol. 69, Iss. 2, Art. 7 (2019).
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