User Rights Symposium 2025: Principles for Progress in the WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights
The World Intellectual Property Organization’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) has been focusing on two long-standing agenda items: the Treaty for the Protection of Broadcast Organizations (since 1998) and Limitations and Exceptions for libraries, archives, museums, education, research, and persons with disabilities (since 2004, SCCR/12/3). A proposed third standing agenda item on copyright in the digital environment seeks to address contemporary challenges, including artist remuneration in streaming and the implications of artificial intelligence.
Geneva, Switzerland
June 16-18, 2025
See generally PIJIP, Analysis of the Agenda for SCCR 46. With two recent treaties concluded by other Committees, the work of the SCCR has moved to the center stage as the next Committee that could produce new instruments for adoption by WIPO. In this context, American University’s Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property invites you to participate in this year’s annual meeting and Symposium of the Global Expert Network on Copyright User Rights in Geneva, Switzerland. The goal of this year’s symposium is to share research and deliberate over the adoption of principles that could guide the SCCR’s work. We seek presentations of research on issues such as:
Principles and objectives that should guide the SCCR’s work on an instrument on limitations and exceptions. See SCCR/43/8
Analysis of the history and latest draft of the Broadcasting Treaty, including principles and amendments to promote the public interest. SCCR/46/3
Analysis of options for the SCCR to promote work on copyright in the digital agenda, including to protect the rights of creators to remuneration for uses of their work in the digital environment. See SCCR/45/4
This year’s symposium will be hosted by PIJIP’s Geneva Center on Knowledge Governance and the South Centre, with collaborating partners IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions), the Knowledge Rights 21 Project, COMMUNIA Association for the Public Domain.
This year’s symposium will be limited to 50 attendees to maximize the possibility for deliberation and community building among scholars and practitioners on a targeted set of issues. The meetings will include both presentations of finished scholarship and works in progress and deliberations of principles for a statement.
Apply to join this year’s Symposium at