The Open COVID Pledge at One Year: Looking Back and Looking Ahead
April 28, 2021 | 12:30pm-3:30pm EDT | 4:30pm-7:30pm UTC
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Please join us for a one year retrospective of the Open COVID Pledge. We will examine the origins of the pledge and the reasons for pledgors to take the pledge, the potential of pledges to serve the public interest and future opportunities for pledges to promote innovation that serves the greater good.
12:30 - Welcome: Intellectual Property and the Public Interest
- Michael Carroll
Professor of Law, American University Washington College of Law - Mark Lemley
William H. Neukom Professor of Law at Stanford Law School and the Director of the Stanford Program in Law, Science and Technology
12:40 - Open COVID Pledge at One Year: A Status Report
- Jorge Contreras
Professor of Law, University of Utah, S.J. Quinney College of Law
Senior Policy Fellow, Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property, American University, Washington College of Law
1:15 - Motivations For Participating in the Open COVID Pledge - Opportunities for collaboration and benefit
- Jorge Contreras (Moderator)
- Michael Eisen
Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and Professor of Genetics, Genomics and Development, University of California, Berkeley - Eric Steuer
Creative Director, Creative Commons - Isabella Fu
Associate General Counsel, Microsoft - Ben Treuhaft
Co-Ceo, Helpful Engineering
2:10 - The Open COVID Pledge and the Public Interest
- Diane Peters (Moderator)
Senior Policy Fellow, Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property, American University, Washington College of Law - Frank Tietze
University Lecturer in Technology and Innovation Management, Cambridge University - Jenny Molloy
Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Cambridge - Merith Basey
Executive Director, Universities Allied for Essential Medicines - Mariângela Simão
Chair, C-TAP Steering Committee, World Health Organization
3:00 - Upcoming Developments in Public Interest IP Pledges
- Meredith Jacob (Moderator)
Director, Copyright and Open Policy Project, Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property, American University, Washington College of Law - Brett Alten
Senior Vice President and Deputy General Counsel at Hewlett Packard Enterprise
3:20 - Questions / Discussion