IP at the Supreme Court Series: United States v. Microsoft Corp.

January 16, 2013
4:00pm | Room 603
Reception to Follow
In PIJIP & ongoing Supreme Court Series, a panel of counsel for amici and parties will discuss the case on the afternoon following oral argument before the Court. A reception will follow.
- Benjamin D. Battles, Solicitor General – Vermont (representing amici – State of Vermont, et al.
- Zachary Schauf, Jenner & Block LLP (representing amici – European Commission on behalf of the European Union)
- Marc Zwillinger, Zwillgen PLLC (author of Tech Industry amicus brief)
- Aaron Cooper, BSA - The Software Alliance
- Professor Jennifer Daskal, American University Washington College of Law
- Professor Michael Carroll, American University Washington College of Law (Moderator)
Whether a United States provider of email services must comply with a probable-cause-based warrant issued under 18 U.S.C. § 2703 by making disclosure in the United States of electronic communications within that provider's control, even if the provider has decided to store that material abroad
Decision: Apirl 17, 2018
Argument: Transcript; Audio