Law and Economics: Knowledge in the Economy and Its Connections to Legal Structures

Thursday, April 20, 2023
8:30 a.m.- 6:30 p.m
- Society of Government Economists
- American University Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property
Keynote Speakers:
- Andrew Toole, Chief Economist, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
- Brent Lutes, Chief Economist, U.S. Copyright Office
PIJIP and the Society of Government Economists are hosting a one-day in-person conference that brings together government economists and those interested in 1) economic topics relating to government programs or public policy, 2) government economic surveys, data, and measures, and 3) research on trends and issues that inform and impact policy.
The conference theme, “Law and Economics,” emphases the role of knowledge in the economy and its connections to legal structures. Knowledge growth is an engine of economic growth. Critical to harnessing knowledge is the role of institutions and laws. A plenary session on intellectual property and the knowledge economy will open our conference.
“Law and Economics” is the Society of Government Economists’ 2023 Annual Conference. The anticipated conference registration fee will be $200.
For more information:
Please contact Mahsa Gholizadeh at if you have questions.