Innovation and the Global Expansion of Intellectual Property Rights: Unfulfilled Promises

Dr. Carlos Maria Correa
University of Buenos Aires

September 15, 2016 | Room C217 | 4:00
American University Washington College of Law
4300 Nebraska Ave., NW Washington DC, 22016

Dr. Carlos Maria Correa will give a lecture based on Innovation and the Global Expansion of Intellectual Property Rights: Unfulfilled Promises.  This article focuses on the the effects of high standards of protection – as those mandated under the TRIPS Agreement and further extended under FTAs – which have been critically examined in the developed countries themselves: “[i]ntellectual property is …a social contrivance purportedly designed to increase welfare, by supposedly enhancing innovation (though… it may actually have exactly the opposite effect)”. If intellectual property does not work in developed countries as generally described by their proponents, the situation can only be worse in developing countries with weak science and technological infrastructures, scarcity of risk capital and unsophisticated production profiles.

Dr. Correa is Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies on Industrial Property and Economics and of the Post-graduate Course on Intellectual Property at the Law Faculty, University of Buenos Aires and professor of the Master Program on Science and Technology Policy and Management of the same university. He is Special Advisor on Trade and Intellectual Property of the South Centre in Geneva, Switzerland.


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American University Awarded Multi-Million Dollar Grant from Arcadia Fund to Build Geneva Center on Information Justice

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Professor Vicki Phillips To Be Honored By The DC Bar With The Champion of IP Award

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30 Apr, 2024

On April 22nd, Dean Roger Fairfax and Sheriff Saadallah, Executive Director of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Academy, signed a Memorandum of Understanding to continue the close relationship between American University Washington College of Law's (AUWCL) Program on Information Justice & Intellectual Property (PIJIP) and WIPO.

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