Who Is In Charge of EU Trade Law?

Come join the Program on International Organizations, Law and Development and the European Law Association as we host a lecture on the EU trade regime with a focus on the legal competences in trade agreement.

OCTOBER 12, 2021 | 10 A.M. EST


The European Union is the most important trading partner of the United States, and the two sides have in recent years attempted to strengthen the links to further increase trade and enhance regulatory cooperation. This process, as international trade in general, has become politically controversial, and is further complicated by the complex structure of the European Union itself. The latter has, for several decades, had to grapple with the issue of who will shape the orientation of trade policy and approve trade agreements – the European Commission, Member States or the European Parliament? The lecture will discuss the question of trade and investment law competence in the European Union in order to highlight the inherently contentious nature of international trade and the importance of its legal framework.