The Importance and Challenge of Mainstreaming Gender in Trade Agreements

Professor Padideh Ala’i and Visiting Scholar Renata Vargas
Professor Padideh Ala’i and Visiting Scholar Renata Vargas

Professor Padideh Ala’i and Visiting Scholar Renata Vargas Amaral will be speaking at the World Trade Organization's Public Forum later this month. They will serve as panelists in the “Mainstreaming Gender in Trade Agreements: A Whole Agreement Approach” panel discussion, sponsored by the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI). 

Professor Ala’i and Ms. Vargas Amaral will present the research they have been developing on gender mainstreaming in trade agreements. According to the research, Professor Ala’i and Ms. Vargas Amaral conclude that (1) the existing commitments to address gender in trade agreements are not bold and (2) that gender-related provisions are often tied to other cross-cutting issues such as environment and labor. A substantial part of the debate regarding international trade policy and gender relates to whether trade policies are gender inclusive, gender neutral, or even gender blind. For example, some questions that can be posed are: Are the existing provisions on trade agreements gender inclusive, gender neutral or gender blind?  What lessons can we draw from different approaches taken in different countries? Do we need a whole agreement gender mainstreaming instead? If the goal is gender mainstreaming, how do we accomplish it? 

Gender mainstreaming requires that the gender perspectives be embedded in the development of public policy, in the legal and economic research, in the allocation of resources and planning, and in the implementation and monitoring of social programs and projects. The implementation of a gender mainstreaming approach to trade agreements also requires transparency about women's accountability and participation in decision-making processes. We recognize that this is a long-term approach, and is necessary for the future viability, relevance and impact of the trading system. 

This panel intended to discuss gender in trade agreements and how WTO Members can eliminate discrimination and close the gaps that hinder women’s effective participation in the global economy will take place on October 11. It will also have the participation of Oonagh Fitzgerald, Director of International Law, CIGI, Valerie Hughes, Senior Fellow, CIGI, and Jan Yves Remy, Deputy Director, University of the West Indies. 

More information and the full program of the Public Forum is available at the WTO website.