Celebrating Professor Herman Schwartz’s Contributions to Constitutionalism and Civil Rights


On Friday, September 27, 2019, the Center for Human Rights & Humanitarian Law, directed by Professor Macarena Sáez, and the Program on Law and Government, directed by Professor Fernando Laguarda, organized an all-day symposium recognizing Professor Emeritus Herman Schwartz for his legacy and his contributions to the field of law, specifically human rights, civil liberties, and the rule of the law both in the U.S. and around the world.

The symposium featured numerous panels, which covered many of the issues Professor Emeritus Schwartz has been dedicated to throughout his career, including voting rights, comparative constitutionalism, human rights in Israel, and prison reform. Many of the panelists – scholars, activists, and AUWCL faculty – underscored how Schwartz has helped shape these respective areas of law. Notably, the panel “Building a Human Rights Community in Israel: The Impact of the New Israel Fund Herman Schwartz Fellowship” featured four AUWCL LL.M. alumni, three of whom flew in for the event.

At the symposium luncheon, Dean Emeritus and Professor of Law Claudio Grossman said of Professor Emeritus Schwartz, “For many law professors, their success is measured more in terms of their individual reputations, instead of working together to achieve a common goal. That’s what it is so impressive about the contributions of Herman – his work in the creation of centers and endeavors that would unite people for the purpose of achieving a better world on the basis of legal tradition.”

Following the symposium, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg spoke about Professor Emeritus Schwartz’s impact at a private dinner: “Herman was foremost among law teachers who appreciate the value of a comparative study of constitutional law. He contributed importantly to the framing of post-World War II constitutions abroad, and he was particularly hopeful about promoting human rights for all who dwell in the land of Israel. To that end, he established at American University’s Washington College of Law the U.S.-Israel Civil Liberties Law Program. In that program, he superintended the training of scores of Arab and Jewish Israelis to become leaders back home in the advancement of genuinely equal justice. His motto, which has inspired students at AU and elsewhere to follow in his way: ‘You’ve got to keep trying. You’ve got to keep trying.’”

In addition, during the dinner, Professor Emeritus Schwartz was presented a congressional citation of merit by Emeritus Professor and Congressman Jamin Raskin.

The recorded event is available at the following link: https://youtu.be/WWLWprhy4MA