AUWCL’s Tech, Law, Security Program Addresses Election Interference, Free Speech Online, Surveillance, and Other Tech Challenges

Professor Jennifer Daskal
Professor Jennifer Daskal

The Tech, Law, Security (TLS) Program is a new initiative at American University Washington College of Law (AUWCL) that will tackle the challenges and opportunities posed by rapidly changing technology.  Operating as a mini-think tank in the law school, TLS will work through unresolved and cutting-edge legal and policy issues at the cross section of technology, law, and security, as well as develop innovative policy proposals to influence policies and practices across the public and private sectors. TLS will also serve our students and train the leaders of tomorrow. The Program is led by Faculty Director, Professor Jennifer Daskal.

The TLS Program initially will be focusing on four key areas – election interference and information warfare; regulation of speech online; cyber-enabled conflicts; and privacy and surveillance. (See relevant N.Y. Times and Atlantic op-eds.)

The initiative will work in public-private partnerships to produce innovative thought pieces and policy proposals that identify and address the key equities at stake.  Building on our D.C. presence and extensive connections in key parts of the DC policy community, the Program will help shape policy discussions and outputs on some of the most pressing legal and policy issues of the day -- issues that matter to everything from the future of democracy, balance of powers, security, privacy, and prospects for free speech.

To support this work, WCL has brought in three stars in the field:  Col. Gary Corn (Program Director), who is retiring from a 30-year career in the military and most recently served as the chief lawyer at U.S. Cyber Command; Alex Joel (Scholar-in-Residence), who is on leave from the Director of National Intelligence, where he spent well over a decade as the Chief Privacy Officer; and Ya’ara Barnoon (Assistant Director), who is a Truman National Security Law Fellow and led massive anti-corruption investigations as an associate at Hughes, Hubbard and Reed.