13th Annual Summer Law Program in The Hague

Professors and students during the Summer Program
Professors Susana SáCouto and Jayesh Rathod during the Summer Law Program and the Hague

This summer, Professor Susana SáCouto and Professor Jayesh Rathod led WCL’s 13th annual Summer Law Program in The Hague, a unique collaboration between AUWCL’s War Crimes Research Office and the T.M.C. Asser Instituut that introduces students to the field of international criminal law. Over a four-week period, the program offers students from AUWCL and various other U.S. law schools an unparalleled window into the world of international criminal law as they undertake two courses: International Criminal Law: In Search of Accountability, taught by Professor SáCouto; and International Legal Approaches to Terrorism in the 21st Century, taught this year by Professor Rathod.

The program affords students the opportunity to hear from leading voices shaping international criminal law directly. Each lecture is provided by an expert practitioner in the subject matter, and the program leverages the “external campus” of The Hague to bring students to proceedings before the most critical institutions of international criminal law, including the International Criminal Court, UN Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals, and Special Tribunal for Lebanon. This year’s students even got to hold a Skype call with Ben Ferencz, the last surviving prosecutor of the Nuremburg trials.
Applications for the 2020 program will open in November. In the meantime, interested students are invited to visit the program website for more information about the program. Please contact hagueprogram@wcl.american.edu with any questions