Professor Padideh Ala’i, Faculty Director of the International and Comparative Legal Studies (ICLS) and Melanija Radnovic, Director of WCL Abroad visited ADA University in Azerbaijan as part of our cooperation agreement entered into on March 1, 2023. The goal of this partnership is to work together with ADA University School of Law in capacity building and strategic planning as well as other areas of student or faculty exchange.

Meeting at the Supreme Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Professor Padideh Ala’i and Melanija Radnovic met with ADA University Rector, Ambassador Hafiz Pashayev and Minister of Science and Education of Azerbaijan Emin Amrullayev and discussed our cooperation agreement and the process of legal education reforms in Azerbaijan that ADA University is leading.

Professor Padideh Ala'i-led AUWCL delegation at the Prosecutor's General Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan

During their meetings at ADA University Padideh Ala'i and Director of WCL Abroad Melanija Radnovic together with ADA Law School Dean Rashad Ibadov met with Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Azerbaijan Inam Karimov and other members of the Azerbaijani Supreme court Judges. The parties discussed potential developments in legal education and the creation of judicial executive training at ADA University in order to contribute to better administration of justice in Azerbaijan. They also met with the Prosecutor's General Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The aim of this meeting was to get acquainted with the activities of the Scientific and Educational Center of the Prosecutor's Office and faculty and students of ADA University. 

Strengthening strategic partnership with ADA University

Professor Alai and Melanija Radnovic also met with the Chairman of the Azerbaijani Bar Association Anar Baghirov, and colleagues. Both sides discussed important elements of modern legal education, the need to improve legal education in Azerbaijan, the law library and legal literature, legal research, preparing the next generation of legal scholars, and other topics related to law school capacity building and the legal profession. 

Meeting at the Azerbaijani Bar Association

In addition to these meetings, Professors Padideh Alai and Melanija Radnovic also met the ILSP alum Anar Karimov LL.M’01, who currently holds a position as a Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Population in Azerbaijan.