The Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, War Crimes Research Office, and the Women and the Law Program Partner with UN Women to Document the Sepur Zarco Case

Professor Claudia Martin and the Abuelas of Sepur Zarco
Professor Claudia Martin and the Abuelas of Sepur Zarco

The War Crimes Research Office, Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, and Women and the Law Program at American University Washington College of Law are thrilled to partner with UN Women on the “Documenting Good Practice on Accountability for Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in Guatemala” Project. We are hard at work on a report intended to raise awareness of the specific legal strategies used in the Sepur Zarco case, a groundbreaking prosecution that provided redress for indigenous victims of sexual violence and sexual slavery that occurred during Guatemala’s civil war.

Sepur Zarco

Is one of a handful of successful prosecutions for sexual and gender-based crimes committed in the conflict in all of Latin America. UN Women has been supporting this process from its early stages and is now supporting the implementation of the groundbreaking reparations measures ordered by the court, in an effort to enhance the understanding of what it takes to seek redress for these types of crimes. This work is one component of our Gender and International Criminal Law Project, which provides practitioners tools for and promotes the investigation and prosecution of sexual and gender-based violence under international law.