Professor Diego Rodríguez-Pinzón Participates in the 71th Session of the UN Committee Against Torture

July 15, 2021

Professor Diego Rodríguez-Pinzón
Professor Diego Rodríguez-Pinzón

From July 12 to July 30, 2021, Professor Diego Rodríguez-Pinzón will participate in the United Nations Committee against Torture seventy-first session online. The session’s agenda includes the review if the country report of Belgium under the U. N. Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhiman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.  It also includes consideration of individual  communications alleging violation of the Convention by State parties.  The Committee also discussed the participation of the Committee Against Torture in the Treaty Bodies Working Group on the COVID-19 Pandemic.

>Follow the live sessions thru this link:
