Event: “Female Genital Mutilation: a legal perspective.” 

“Female Genital Mutilation: a legal perspective.”

The Academy recently co-sponsored the event, "Female Genital Mutilation: a legal perspective" as a part of the Womens' History Month series.

The panel“Female Genital Mutilation: a legal perspective" took place on Thursday, March 21, between 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm. We were pleased to feature three brilliant gender specialists from the World Bank:
??Paula Taveres, Senior Legal and Gender Specialist at the World Bank Group, Isabella Micali Drossos, Senior Counsel and Co-Chair, and Lou Grainer a Gender Specialist Consultant and Member of the FGM Legal Working Group. The panel also featured Mosi M. Meza Figueroa, the Secretary of the Independent Panel to Evaluate Inter-American Human Rights System Candidates for initial and closing remarks. All of the guest speakers shared their unique perspectives on the legal challenges that women face worldwide due to female genital mutilation, which continues to be a practice in multiple countries despite the finding of being inconsistent with the protection of human rights.

Sponsored by: The Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, the LL.M Board, and the Female Genital Mutilation Legal Group from the World Bank.