Human Rights Day

December 10, 2023

A Year of Work Culminating in a Day of Celebrations: Our Contributions to the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights.

Today, we commemorate a year filled with dedication and effort in promoting and defending human rights. At the Academy of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, we have carried out various activities throughout 2023, marking our constant commitment to building a fairer and more equitable world for everyone.

75 years after the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: The Academy of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law continues its commitment

In a milestone that marked a global commitment to freedom, equality, and dignity 75 years ago, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) established a global standard to protect the fundamental rights of all human beings. This Declaration, born out of the devastation of World War II, continues to be a source of inspiration and action for various institutions committed to promoting and protecting human rights worldwide.

The Academy, in line with the principles of the Declaration, promotes the idea that human rights education is a fundamental pillar for building just and equitable societies. Its commitment to training in this field aligns perfectly with the legacy of the UDHR, providing a solid foundation to understand and apply human rights in global and local contexts.

In a world where challenges like discrimination, intolerance, and injustice persist, the Academy of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law stands out as a beacon of education and action, reminding everyone that the fight for human rights is ongoing and that education is a vital tool.


A Global Impact 

Claudia En honduras

Challenges in Reparations and Compliance Monitoring of Inter-American Court of Human Rights Judgments

On March 31, the Academy organized the presentation "Challenges in Terms of Reparations and Compliance Monitoring of Judgments of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights," delivered by Judge Ricardo Pérez Manrique, President of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Read more.

Federico Villegas

Sexual Violence in the Context of Organized Crime in Haiti  

On April 5, the Academy organized the conference titled "Sexual Violence in the Context of Organized Crime in Haiti: Latest Developments." At this event, the increase in severe forms of sexual and gender violence against women and girls in Haiti was discussed. Read more.

Sepur Zarco

Presentation of the Final Report of the SIDH Panel

On May 31, the Academy organized the "Presentation of the Final Report of the SIDH Panel." The Independent Panel of the Inter-American Human Rights System (SIDH) was created to evaluate candidates for the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR). At this event, the members of the Panel presented the objectives of this initiative, the data collection methodology, the results obtained, and a series of recommendations to improve at the national and inter-American level the nomination processes of candidates to be Commissioners of the IACHR. Read more.


Thematic Consultation on the Equal Inclusive Representation of Women in International Decision-Making Systems (RG40)

On September 25 and 26, the Academy of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, in collaboration with GQUAL and the Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL), organized a thematic consultation on women's equal and inclusive representation in the international decision-making systems (RG40). This event featured international experts in the field as panelists, who discussed the pressing need to address the prevailing barriers that hinder the achievement of women's right to equal participation and representation at all levels, including in international decision-making systems. Read more.


Confronting Authoritarianism in Latin America

On October 10, the Academy of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law organized the discussion "Confronting Authoritarianism in Latin America." In this discussion, the organization's leaders, Tutela Legal, shared their experiences working for justice for the families of people deprived of liberty in the context of the "state of exception" promoted by the President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele. American University Washington College of Law´s Center for the Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, the Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, and The Institute for Policy Studies sponsored this event. Read more.


How Do the Laws of War Apply to the Conflict between Israel and Hamas?

On October 19, the Academy, in collaboration with the LLM Board and the AUWCL War Crimes Investigation Office, held this event to analyze the application of international humanitarian law in the current conflict between Hamas and Israel. Professor Robert Goldman was the main speaker at the conference. It was moderated by Professor Robert Goldman and Professor Susana SaCouto, who analyzed the challenging nature of classifying this conflict and how such classification entails various consequences for its application in International Humanitarian Law. Read more.

Mujeres en movilidad humana y violencia de género

Criminalization and Violence against Community and Indigenous Media in Latin America and the Caribbean: Challenges and Responses

On November 1, commemorating the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, the Academy, in collaboration with UNESCO, organized the panel titled "Criminalization and Violence against Community and Indigenous Media in Latin America and the Caribbean: Challenges and Responses." The panelists emphasized that in recent years, Latin America and the Caribbean have experienced the highest rates of homicide of journalists in the world. Hence, a commitment to combat impunity against journalists is urgent. Read more.

Acceso al Aborto

Launch Forum of the International Observation Mission (MIO-Ecuador)

On November 9, the Academy, in collaboration with the Due Process Foundation (DPLF), the Rights and Justice Observatory, and MIO Ecuador, organized a Launch Forum of the International Observation Mission (MIO-Ecuador). In this event, moderated by Professor Claudia Martin, the mission and vision of MIO-ECUADOR were presented, as well as the importance of democracy and its impact on the transparency of judicial power, all to be conducive to an equitable legal system. Read more here.

Jineth Bedoya

Launch of the Double Degree Agreement for the LL.M. in Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law between the Externado University of Colombia and American University Washington College of Law

On November 17, the Academy celebrated the ratification of the double degree agreement for the LL.M in Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law with the Externado University of Colombia. This agreement results from a long academic collaboration between both universities. It represents a powerful precedent for international cooperation in education, mainly in training professionals dedicated to protecting and promoting human rights and international humanitarian law. Read more.



On Thursday, June 29, Professor, Co-President of the Academy, and Dean Emeritus of AUWCL American University, Claudio Grossman, gave the workshop in Chile on "The Current Program and Challenges of the United Nations International Law Commission" with the Center of Studies and Research "Freedom and Development (LYD)."


Professor Grossman also participated on October 20 as Special Rapporteur of the International Law Commission in a side event organized by the Permanent Mission of Austria and Chile to the United Nations. His participation was in the Immunity of State Officials from foreign criminal prosecution.





Professor Robert Goldman, Copresident of the Academy and recognized expert in International Humanitarian Law, has been analyzing the conflict between Israel and Gaza from the perspective of international law. Professor Goldman published an interesting article in The Conversation about the laws of war, their origin and nature, and how they apply in the armed conflict between Israel and Hamas under international humanitarian law. Read the full article here. 


On November 9, The Conversation also published Prof. Goldman's article titled: "What is the rule of proportionality and how is it observed in the Israeli siege of Gaza?" Read the full article here.


Claudia Martin, Academy Co-director

This year Professor Claudia Martín, Co-Director of the Academy, was a member of the International Observation Mission of Honduras (MIO-Honduras); it provided a platform to observe and monitor the election of the Supreme Court of Justice judges in Honduras. Read more here.


Likewise, on March 9, the professor presented, together with the Due Process Foundation (DPLF) and students of our LL.M, an Amicus Curiae before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights related to the case Gutiérrez Navas and Others vs. Honduras. Read more here.


In June, Professor Martin, who is also a founder and member of the Secretariat of GQUAL, a campaign promoting equal representation of women in international courts and bodies, published the report "Trends, Obstacles, Best Practices, and Recommendations on Women's Participation in Political and Public Life: Summary of the Working Group's Work on the Issue of Discrimination against Women and Girls." She presented it in July at a parallel event during the sessions of the Human Rights Council in Geneva.


Later, throughout July, Professor Martin was a visiting researcher at the Geneva Academy on International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights.


The Inter-American Court of Human Rights invited Professor Martin to teach at the Judicial School in Honduras on August 8 and 9, and at the Judicial Training School of El Salvador "Dr. Arturo Zeledón Castrillo" on August 17 and 18. In both training sessions, she acted as the main instructor in the Update Programs on the Inter-American Court of Human Rights Jurisprudence held in both countries.


Additionally, this year, Professor Martín moderated different events, including the "State Obligations and Environmental Degradation: How International Law is Evolving to Address Climate Change, " held on November 14 by the AUWCL International Law Student Association and the LLM Board.




Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon, Academy Co-director

As co-director of the academy, Professor Diego Rodríguez-Pinzón participated in the television program #TusDerechos on Justicia TV in December 2022. Together with Ana Campos González and Tania Reneaum Panszi, they addressed the topic of Human Rights in Latin America. Read more here. 


Professor Rodríguez-Pinzón participated as a guest expert in the Regional Course on International Law for Africa in Ethiopia in February 2023. He presented the program's International Human Rights Law module, which focused on topics such as the Law of the Sea, Environmental, and Commercial Law, among others. Additionally, he will offer a course on the "Inter-American Human Rights System" in Washington, DC, during the summer of 2023. Read more here.

In March 2023, Professor Rodriguez-Pinzon delivered the insightful course "The Inter-American Human Rights System and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples." This significant session was conducted as part of the European Masters Program in Human Rights at the University of Deusto in Bilbao, Spain. Read more here.


On May 15 and 16, he participated in the symposium "Evidence Regimes of UN Treaty Bodies: Perspectives from Research and Practice," held in Ghent, Belgium, delivering a presentation on 'Selected Evidence Issues in the UN Committee Against Torture Complaints System. Read more here.



From June 12 to 14, he participated as an expert in the 'Pacific Learning Exchange on the UN Convention against Torture' in Fiji, gathering leaders from Pacific island states to promote the ratification of the UNCAT, within the context of the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, emphasizing the need for greater ratification of the Convention in the region. Read more here.


In June, he led the program 'Practical Challenges in Human Rights and Humanitarian Law' in Geneva, Switzerland. Under his guidance, students explored international human rights law at the United Nations. Read more here. 


Likewise, on September 5, the professor participated as a speaker in the "Meeting on Good Practices and Promotion for the Implementation and Compliance of International Recommendations on Human Rights," which took place in Guatemala and in which civil society organizations of El Salvador discussed how they can use international human rights mechanisms for El Salvador in the United Nations Human Rights System. Read more here.


Professor Rodriguez Pinzon presented the article "The Human Rights Education Ecosystem: The International Experience of an American Law School" in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, focusing on WCL programs in the American region and how innovation and new pedagogical techniques are essential to enhance further the promotional impact of human rights laws in the Americas. Read more here. 



2024 Programs and Initiatives


Summer Program of Advanced Studies in Human Rights and Humanitarian Law 2024 - May 27 to June 14

Announcing the 25th Summer Program of Advanced Studies on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law IN PERSON!

We are excited to welcome many of you to the program next summer 2024! This intensive three-week program offers 17 innovative courses taught by over 40 world-renowned faculty members.

Registration is open now. Learn more here.


2024 iNTER-American Human Rights mOOT cOURT cOMPETITION - May 19th to 24th, 2024

Prepare for the unique experience of the 29th Inter-American Moot Court Competition 2024 – May 19th to 24th! Get ready for the excitement of meeting LIVE AND IN PERSON this year! We are thrilled to welcome teams, judges, observers, and officials from around the globe to explore a cutting-edge theme challenging the Inter-American Human Rights Legal System: "Protection and Assurance of Human Rights in Digital Environments." Registrations for all roles in the competition are now open! Secure your spot in this unique event! Learn more here. 



2024 Human Rights Essay Award - Submissions due February 1, 2024

It's time to showcase your passion for international human rights law! The Human Rights Essay Prize 2024 seeks innovative ideas on "Protection and Assurance of Human Rights in Digital Environments." Open to law degree-holding lawyers worldwide, this competition grants you the freedom to explore any aspect of this vibrant topic. Submit your work online and be part of this exciting opportunity to stand out in the academic field!

Providing Access to Human Rights Education - LLM In-Resident, Hybrid and Online Courses   

Capture Claudia


The LL.M. in International Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, in its in-resident program in Washington DC.

Our group of students in residence for the LL.M. It represents a dynamic mixture of brilliant minds from Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Myanmar, Ecuador, Nigeria, Ghana, Italy, and many more! This diverse and enriching environment offers a unique platform to share ideas and approaches to current challenges in human rights worldwide. Discover more about LL.M. And join this global learning community!

Capture Mancisidor


The LL.M. in International Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, in its hybrid and online modality, opens spaces for students to share their experiences, knowledge, and passion for human rights and enhance their learning process. Advanced Human Rights is taught by Professorial Lecturer in Residence Claudia Martin.

Capture Araya


The LL.M. in International Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, in its hybrid and online modality, opens spaces for students to share their experiences, knowledge, and passion for human rights and enhance their learning process. Advanced Human Rights is taught by Professorial Lecturer in Residence Eric Rosenthal. 


Capture Claudia


The LL.M. in International Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law also offers courses in specific trending human rights topics. This course uncovers relevant issues and violations faced by the most vulnerable populations. It also presents practical approaches as tools that can be used in defending the rights of these populations. The course is taught by Adjunct Professor Jorge Araya.


Capture Mancisidor


The LL.M. in International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law is also fully offered in Spanish. This opens doors for multilingual lawyers seeking formal training with top human rights experts in their native language. This Course is taught by Adjunct Professor Mikel Mancisidor.


Capture Araya


We are thrilled to introduce you to the exceptional team behind the Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law! Together, we are dedicated to advancing the understanding and promotion of human rights and humanitarian law worldwide.

Adriana Buenaventura-Martinez, Senior Coordinator;  Cristina Sunkel, LLM Program Coordinator; Diego Rodríguez-Pinzón, Co-Director; Claudia Martin, Co-Director; Gabriel J. Ortiz Crespo, Moot Court Program Coordinator.