Recent News

The Academy is pleased to present the Winners and Honorable Mentions for the 2024 Human Rights Essay Award

The Academy is pleased to present the Winners and Honorable Mentions for the 2024 Human Rights Essay Award

04 Apr, 2024

The Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law is pleased to present the winners for the 2024 Human Rights Essay Award, sponsored by the Academy of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law. Winner: Spanish Trilce Gabriela Valdivia Aguilar – Peru: "Artificial Intelligence and Disinformation on the Internet: Regulations (in)compatible with the standards of protection of the right to freedom of expression in International Human Rights Law." Winner: English Leandro Léo Rebelo – Brazil: "Can prior censorship be a necessary tool for the protection of human rights?"

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The Academy is pleased to present the Honor Jury for the 2024 Human Rights Essay Award

The Academy is pleased to present the Honor Jury for the 2024 Human Rights Essay Award

04 Mar, 2024

The Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law is pleased to present the Honor Jury for the 2024 Human Rights Essay Award, composed of a select group of experts in Human Rights tasked with selecting the final three winning essays.

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Dialogue on lessons learned from the Chilean Constitutional Reform Processes

Dialogue on lessons learned from the Chilean Constitutional Reform Processes

04 Mar, 2024

This conference, organized by Professor and Dean Emeritus Claudio Grossman and the Academy of Human Rights, discussed the constitutional experiences of Latin Americans, especially focusing on Chile.

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Celebrating Human Rights Day - December 10, 2023

Celebrating Human Rights Day - December 10, 2023

11 Dec, 2023

A year of Work Culminating in a Day of Celebrations: Our Contributions to the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights.

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Access to Justice in Cases of Gender-Based Violence: The Challenging Journey between Judgment and Implementation of Remedies

Access to Justice in Cases of Gender-Based Violence: The Challenging Journey between Judgment and Implementation of Remedies

30 Nov, 2023

On November 30, 2023, the Academy of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, in collaboration with the LL.M. Board and ReLeG (Latin American Network of Strategic Gender Litigation), organized a panel titled "Access to Justice in Cases of Gender-Based Violence: The Challenging Journey between Judgment and Implementation of Remedies."

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Launch of Dual Degree Agreement in Human Rights Master's Programs between Universidad Externado of Colombian and American University

Launch of Dual Degree Agreement in Human Rights Master's Programs between Universidad Externado of Colombian and American University

17 Nov, 2023

On Friday, November 17, 2023, the Academy celebrated the new Dual Human Rights LLM Degree between American University Washington College of Law and the Universidad Externado of Colombia.?

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The Academy of Human Rights, with DPLF, hosted the launch of the International Observation Mission (MIO-Ecuador)

The Academy of Human Rights, with DPLF, hosted the launch of the International Observation Mission (MIO-Ecuador)

09 Nov, 2023

On November 9, 2023, the Academy of Human Rights, in collaboration with the Due Process of Law Foundation, launched the International Observation Mission (MIO-Ecuador) at the American University Washington College of Law. 

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UNESCO - ACADEMY EVENT: Criminalization and Violence against community and indigenous media

UNESCO - ACADEMY EVENT: Criminalization and Violence against community and indigenous media

06 Nov, 2023

The Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law is excited to partner with UNESCO, and together, we organized an event focused on the problematic situation that indigenous community media faces in Latin America and the Caribbean.

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Meet Authors of 2024 Hypo Case of IAMOOT

Meet Authors of 2024 Hypo Case of IAMOOT

27 Oct, 2023

We are excited to partner with Mr. Pedro Vaca, Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights to draft the 2024 Hypothetical Case for this year's competition. 

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How the 'laws of war' apply to the conflict between Israel and Hamas

How the 'laws of war' apply to the conflict between Israel and Hamas

23 Oct, 2023

Addressing emerging challenges in the Middle East: "How the 'laws of war' apply to the conflict between Israel and Hamas" with Prof. Robert Goldman

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Confronting Authoritarianism in Latin America

Confronting Authoritarianism in Latin America

10 Oct, 2023

Event: "Confronting Authoritarianism in Latin America"

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Prof. Diego Rodríguez-Pinzon participated as invited expert to the

Prof. Diego Rodríguez-Pinzon participated as invited expert to the "Pacific Learning Exchange on the United Nations Convention against Torture"

02 Oct, 2023

This event took place in Natadola, Fiji, from June 12 to 14, 2023. The event featured several high-level representatives from island states in the Pacific Region.

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Thematic Consultation On Women's Equal And Inclusive Representation In International Decision-Making Systems

Thematic Consultation On Women's Equal And Inclusive Representation In International Decision-Making Systems

26 Sep, 2023

On September 25 and 26, The Academy of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law at American University Washington College of Law (AUWCL) hosted a Thematic Consultation On Women’s Equal And Inclusive Representation In International Decision-Making Systems (GR 40) in partnership with GQUAL.

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Professor Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon was invited to participate as a speaker in the

Professor Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon was invited to participate as speaker in the "Meeting on Good Practices and Advocacy"

20 Sep, 2023

Professor Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon was invited to participate as a speaker in the “Meeting on Good Practices and Advocacy"

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Professor Claudia Martin's participation the International Mission of Observation in Honduras during 2023

Professor Claudia Martin's participation the International Mission of Observation in Honduras during 2023

09 Aug, 2023

In 2023, Professor Claudia Martin, Co-Director of the Academy of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, was a member of the International Mission of Observation in Honduras (MIO – Honduras), organized by the Due Process of Law Foundation. This mission served as a platform for dialogue on the elections of justices for the Supreme Court of Justice and high prosecutors in Honduras.

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Presentation of the Final Report of the IACHR Panel

Presentation of the Final Report of the IACHR Panel

31 May, 2023

Human Rights Month in 2023 began on May 31st with the panel titled "Presentation of the Final Report of the IACHR Panel."

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Professor Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon in Ghent: Symposium Explores Evidentiary Regimes in UN Treaty Bodies with Focus on Committee Against Torture

Professor Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon in Ghent: Symposium Explores Evidentiary Regimes in UN Treaty Bodies with Focus on Committee Against Torture

15 May, 2023

Professor Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon participated in the symposium “Evidentiary regimes of the YUN Treaty Bodies: Perspectives from research and practice” that took place in Ghent, Belgium, on May 15-16, 2023.  Prof. Rodriguez-Pinzon presented his paper “Selected Issues of Evidence in the Complaint System of the UN Committee Against Torture.”  

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Academy's Reception: Celebration of Elizabeth Abi-Mershed life #IAMOOT2023

Academy's Reception: Celebration of Elizabeth Abi-Mershed life #IAMOOT2023

14 May, 2023

Before our traditional opening ceremony of the Inter-American Moot Court Competition #IAMOOT2023, we will have an in-memoriam reception titled "Celebration of Elizabeth Abi-Mershed Life" hosted by the Academy of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law. The reception will occur on May 21, 2023, from 4 to 6 pm at Claudio Grossman Hall, American University Washington College of Law

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Sexual Violence in the context of organized crime in Haiti: Latest developments

A conference entitled "Sexual Violence in the context of organized crime in Haiti: Latest developments" was held.

05 Apr, 2023

On April 5, 2023, a conference entitled "Sexual Violence in the context of organized crime in Haiti: Latest developments" was held.

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Presentation of Amicus Curiae before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights along with DPLF regarding the case Gutiérrez Navas at al. vs. Honduras.

Presentation of Amicus Curiae before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights along with DPLF regarding the case Gutiérrez Navas et al vs. Honduras.

09 Mar, 2023

We are delighted to share that Professor Claudia Martin, Co-Director of the Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law at American University Washington College of Law, presented an Amicus Curiae to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) together with the Due Process of Law Foundation (DPLF) related to the case Gutiérrez Navas and Others vs. Honduras. Professor Martin was supported by students from our LL.M in residence program, Mosi Meza (Peru), Luis Eliud Tapia (Mexico), and Gabriel Ortiz (Venezuela), whom we sincerely thank for their commitment and dedication to researching and writing the Amicus.

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