2020 Summer Programs and Fall Activities with the Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law


This year, the Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law’s 2020 summer programs and initiatives hoped to enhance and increase communication in the human rights community. Over the past 25 years the Academy has developed key initiatives and programs that offer relevant, empowering training for scholars, practitioners, and students interested in the international human rights system and created key spaces for discussions of the most relevant issues in the human rights field. During this complex time, the Academy is determined to fulfill its mission for the promotion and awareness of human rights.

This summer, the Academy on Human Rights celebrated the 25th Anniversary of the  Inter-American Human Rights Moot Court Competition from May 18 – 22, 2020. The Competition challenges student competitors and human rights practitioners alike by engaging them in cutting-edge legal discussions concerning the Inter-American human rights legal system, one of the world’s most active international legal bodies in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.  As a part of the 25th Anniversary of the Moot Court Competition, we received a total of 53 Memorials from teams and had the virtual participation of over 120 Judges, representing 30 different countries focused on the theme of Human Rights and Rule of Law: Strengthening Democratic Institutions. The Academy on Human Rights is currently preparing for the 2021 Competition from May 23 – 28, 2021 on the theme Human Rights and States of Emergency: Unexpected Crisis and New Challenges.

Following the Moot Court Competition, from May 26 – June 12, 2020,the Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law hosted the summer component of the LL.M. in International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law,  the Program of Advanced Studies on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. We offered 8 virtual courses in English and Spanish led by 20+ world-class faculty via a virtual edition and welcomed students from over 25 countries. The summer component is also available each year, for domestic and international lawyers, law students, human rights defenders and mid-career professionals looking to enhance their human rights training. The program planning for next year is currently underway, taking place from May 31 – June 11, 2021.

2020 Experts Speak Series: Addressing Human Rights in Times of Crisis

From May – July, 2020 the Academy on Human Rights hosted a special multi-lingual series as a part of the 2020 Human Rights Month, known as The Experts Speak Series: Addressing Human Rights in Times of Crisis. This initiative, co-sponsored with the LL.M. in International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, offered panels in English and Spanish and aimed to continue promoting human rights in both the academic and professional human rights community, by providing an overview of the impact of the COVID-19 crisis as well as the response of states around the world. The series encouraged discussions regarding ways to prevent and denounce human rights violations in the ongoing crisis and its aftermath. This series is a part of the substantive discussions offered to LL.M. students, complementing in-class instruction.

The webinars focused on a variety of topics pertaining to international human rights law such as migrant rights and the rights of internally displaced people and refugees in humanitarian crisis, disability rights, the selection of the ICC Prosecutor, women’s rights and combating gender based violence, systematic racism and global demonstrations, treatment of unaccompanied migrant children, police violence and excessive use of force, among others. The series attracted audiences from Academia, Civil Society organizations, domestic and international members of government organizations and NGOs, human rights defenders and activists, among others. All of the webinars were recorded and made available for the general public.

Upcoming Activities for Fall 2020

Human Rights Essay Award

The Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law is excited to announce the opening of the 2021 Human Rights Essay Award, an annual competition sponsored by the Academy that seeks to stimulate the production of scholarly work in international human rights law. The 2021 topic will cover, Human Rights and States of Emergency: Unexpected Crisis and New Challenges. Every year the two winners receive a full scholarship (all expenses paid) to attend the Program of Advanced Studies on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law. The best articles may also be published in the American University International Law Review. Call to apply closes February 1, 2021.

LL.M. in International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law 

In addition to ending our summer programs, we are preparing to welcome new students to the LL.M. in International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law for the 2020 Fall Semester. Through this LL.M. program, the Academy provides formal training and increases networking and collaboration among scholars, professionals, students, lawyers and human rights defenders. A multilingual (English and Spanish) program that is offered in three tracks, traditional-in-person, hybrid and fully online, allows students to connect to the top experts in the human rights field globally. Each Fall and Spring semester the Academy enrolls students from over 30 countries, integrating key global voices and perspectives.

The Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law is an important referent in the world in topics of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law and it is the only Academic Institution in the US with programs in English, Spanish and Portuguese. American University Washington College of Law (AUWCL), International Law program is ranked #4 among all the law schools in the country according to the 2021 U.S. News & World Report.