2023 Moot Court Competition

First Place

Escola de Direito da Fundação Getúlio Vargas do Rio de Janeiro

  • Giovanna Camargo Messner Neves
  • Eduardo Felipe da Silva Senra

Second Place

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro

  • Carolina Sibilio Villas Bôas
  • Dayanna Gomes de Moura


Best Rookie Team

2023 Special Award: Mario López Garelli Best Rookie Team:  Université de Poitiers

  • Nicolas Padilla Botero
  • Immanuel Bernal Florez



2023 pictures

Take a look at our memories from our 2023 Competition in our Flickr album!: https://bit.ly/443xn8Y



Winning Memorials 

  • Best Memorial for the State in English: University of Maryland Carey School of Law
  • Best Memorial for the State in Spanish: Universidad de Montevideo
  • Best Memorial for the State in Portuguese: FGV Direito SP
  • Best Memorial for the Victims in English: National University of Singapore
  • Best Memorial for the Victims in Spanish: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá)
  • Best Memorial for the Victims in Portuguese: Escola de Direito da Fundação Getúlio Vargas do Rio do Janeiro
  • 2nd Best Memorial for the State in English: Universiteit Gent
  • 2nd Best Memorial for the State in Spanish: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • 2nd Best Memorial for the Victims in Spanish: Universidad Católica Andrés Bello
  • 2nd Best Memorial for the State in Portuguese: Escola Superior Dom Helder Câmara
  • 2nd Best Memorial for the Victims in Portuguese: Universidade Federal de Viçosa
  • 3rd Best Memorial for the State in Spanish: Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • 3rd Best Memorial for the Victims in Spanish: Universidad Diego Portales
  • 3rd Best Memorial for the State in Portuguese: Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • 3rd Best Memorial for the Victims in Portuguese: Centro Universitário Antonio Eufrásio de Toledo de Presidente Prudente

 Best OraLiSTS

  • 2023 Special Award: Elizabeth Abi Mershed Best Orator Overall: David Santiago Rivera Vasquez (Universidad Capitán General Gerardo Barrios, Facultad de Derecho)
  • Best Orator for the State in English: Amy Gebruers (Universiteit Gent) 
  • Best Orator for the Victims in English: Sana Kir (National University of Singapore)
  • Best Orator for the State in Spanish:  David Santiago Rivera Vasquez (Universidad Capitán General Gerardo Barrios, Facultad de Derecho)
  • Best Orator for the Victims in Spanish: Catalina Labbé Bandack (Universidad Diego Portales)
  • Best Orator for the State in Portuguese: Maria Fernanda de Paula Sobreira (FGV Direito SP)   
  • Best Orator for the Victims in Portuguese: Eduardo Felipe da Silva Senra (Escola de Direito da Fundação Getúlio Vargas do Rio do Janeiro)
  • 2nd Best Orator for the State in English: Ana Martin (Maryland Carey Law)   
  • 2nd Best Orator for the Victims in English: Anthony Foo Jun Chieh (National University of Singapore)
  • 2nd Best Orator for the State in Spanish: Idalia Beatriz Flores Vasquez (Universidad Capitán General Gerardo Barrios, Facultad de Derecho)
  • 2nd Best Orator for the Victims in Spanish: Ana María Vélez Rusinque (Universidad Externado de Colombia)
  • 2nd Best Orator for the State in Portuguese: Dayanna Gomes de Moura (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro)
  • 2nd Best Orator for the Victims in Portuguese: Lucas De Souza Gonçalves (Centro Universitário Antonio Eufrásio de Toledo de Presidente Prudente)


  • 3rd Best Orator for the State in English:  
    Maja Dehamers (Universiteit Gent) 
  • 3rd Best Orator for the State in Spanish: 
    Mildred Estefanía Villafuerte Chavez (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
  • 3rd Best Orator for the Victims in Spanish: Daniela Alejandra Martínez López (Universidad Externado de Colombia)
  • 3rd Best Orator for the State in Portuguese: Carolina Sibilio Villas Bôas (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro)  
  • 3rd Best Orator for the Victims in Portuguese: Thaís Gambôa Cavalcanti Freire (Universidade Federal De Pernambuco - Faculdade De Direito Do Recife)



Please note that we only post the top 50% of scores on our website. Any team not scoring in the top 50% may contact iamoot@wcl.american.edu to be emailed their score. No one will have access to anyone else’s scores (if they are not in the top 50% and already published) and we will never share evaluations from individual judges.