2021 Moot Court Competition

First Place

Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario

  • María José Ruiz Rivera 
  • Alejandro Ortiz Tique

Second Place

Escola Superior Dom Helder Câmara

  • Ana Laura  de Lima Rodrigues
  • Maria Fernanda Machado Bizzo


Winning Memorials 

  • 2nd Best Memorial for the State in English: Universiteit Gent
  • 2nd Best Memorial for the Victims in English: Appalachian School of Law
  • 2nd Best Memorial for the State in Spanish: Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • 2nd Best Memorial for the Victims in Spanish: Universidad Católica de Colombia
  • 2nd Best Memorial for the State in Portuguese: Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • 2nd Best Memorial for the Victims in Portuguese: Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • 3rd Best Memorial for the State in Spanish: Universidad Sergio Arboleda
  • 3rd Best Memorial for the Victims in Spanish:  Universidad Externado de Colombia
  • 3rd Best Memorial for the State in Portuguese: Escola Superior Dom Helder Câmara
  • 3rd Best Memorial for the Victims in Portuguese: Universidade Federal da Bahia

 Best Orators

  • Best Orator Overall: Maria Paula Aponte (Universidad Sergio Arboleda)
  • Best Orator for the State in English: Delphine Camerier (Universiteit Gent)
  • Best Orator for the Victims in English: Brandon Johnson (Appalachian School of Law)
  • Best Orator for the State in Spanish: Maria Paula Aponte (Universidad Sergio Arboleda)
  • Best Orator for the Victims in Spanish: Carolina del Cielo Ruiz Chopite (Universidad Católica de Venezuela Andrés Bello)
  • Best Orator for the State in Portuguese: Helena Heimerdinger Gonzaga (Fundação Escola Superior do Ministério Público)   
  • Best Orator for the Victims in Portuguese: Amanda Yamaguchi da Silva (Centro Universitário Antonio Eufrásio de Toledo)
  • 2nd Best Orator for the State in English: Thibaut Lesseliers (Universiteit Gent)   
  • 2nd Best Orator for the Victims in English: Sheares Tiong (National University of Singapore)
  • 2nd Best Orator for the State in Spanish: David Nova Reina (Universidad Sergio Arboleda) 
  • 2nd Best Orator for the Victims in Spanish: María José Ruiz Rivera (Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora del Rosario)
  • 2nd Best Orator for the State in Portuguese: Ana Laura de Lima Rodrigues (Escola Superior Dom Helder Câmara)   
  • 2nd Best Orator for the Victims in Portuguese: Letícia Neves da Rocha Ribeiro dos Santos    (Universidade Federal da Bahia)


  • 3rd Best Orator for the State in English: Meghan Howie (University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law)   
  • 3rd Best Orator for the Victims in English: Manish Chamiraj (National University of Singapore)    
  • 3rd Best Orator for the State in Spanish: Carlos Andrés Chinchilla Mourra (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras)   
  • 3rd Best Orator for the Victims in Spanish: Lucia del Rosario Barrera Berbén (Universidad Nacional de Cuyo)  
  • 3rd Best Orator for the State in Portuguese: Maria Fernanda Machado Bizzo (Escola Superior Dom Helder Câmara)   
  • 3rd Best Orator for the Victims in Portuguese: Mariana Soares Santos (Universidade Federal da Bahia)