2017 Moot Court Competition

First place

Universidad Externado de Colombia

  • Andrea Yulieth Lloreda Flores
  • María Camila Vega Salazar

Second Place

Universidad de San Martín de Porres

  • Sarah Fernanda Meneses Pajuelo
  • Jheimy Leonardo Ubillús Segura


Winning Memorial(s)


  • Best Orator for the State in English: Matthew Walker (University of the West Indies, Cave Hill)
  • Best Orator for the State in Spanish: Melisa Kineret Szlajen (Universidad de Buenos Aires Facultad de Derecho)
  • Best Orator for the State in Portugese: Malu Stanchi Carregosa (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro PUC-Rio)
  • Best Orator for the Victim in English: Maurice Bumbu (University of San Diego School of Law)
  • Best Orator for the Victim in Spanish: Diego Nicolás Rallo (Universidad Nacional de Cuyo)
  • Best Orator for the Victim in Portugese: Gabriela Sacoman Kszan (Universidade Federal do Paraná)
  • Best Orator Overall: Diego Nicolás Rallo  (Universidad Nacional de Cuyo)


Competition Materials