Luz Angela Melo, WCL 1997
My experience with the LL.M. allowed me not only to change my professional orientation but, most importantly, gave a deep meaning to my life. I was coming from working with the private sector in Colombia and had the aspiration of becoming a human rights lawyer. I attended fantastic courses on international law and human rights, and to be able to pay my tuition, I had the precious opportunity to work a few hours a week for Professor Robert Goldman and with the Academy for Human Rights. Claudia Martin and Diego Rodríguez were wonderful supervisors, full of knowledge and passion. And Professor Goldman, an extraordinary human being with whom I learned the basics of human rights and inspired me to become whom I am now. Since I graduated I have worked with an NGO, peacekeeping missions in Haiti and Bosnia, was human rights advisor of the United Nations Population Fund at global level, and have been working with UNICEF in Haiti, Panama, Honduras and Uruguay. The LL.M. opened the door for getting exciting jobs and, most importantly, realizing my passion: working for the most vulnerable people and children in many parts of the world.
“The LL.M. opened the door for getting exciting jobs and, most importantly, realizing my passion: working for the most vulnerable people and children in many parts of the world”
Luz Angela Melo