The United Nations Human Rights Bodies: a view from the experts

Thursday, June 1, 2023, 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM (EST)

The Experts Speak
The Experts Speak

This panel brings together the expertise of mandate holders and other stakeholders that have worked with UN human rights mechanisms in different capacities and from different perspectives. They will provide a their analysis about specific areas of work of the UN human rights machinery, how it has performed, what may be the current assessment of such mechanisms and their impact, and their views on how they may evolve in the current political context.

Moderator: Diego Rodríguez-Pinzón, Co-director and Professorial Lecturer in residence, Academy of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, American University Washington College of Law, Washington D.C.

Hellen Duffy, Founder, Human Rights in Practice, The Hague, The Netherlands, and Professor of human rights and humanitarian law, Leiden University.

Christina Fetterhoff, Director of Programs, Institute on Race and Equality.

Maria Clara Galvis, Former Vice-chair, Committee on Enforced Disappearances, United Nations.

Fausto Pocar, Professor emeritus, University of Milan, Ad hoc Judge, International Court of Justice, and Former President, International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.

Rochus Pronk, Strategic Advisor to the Netherlands’ Permanent Representation to United Nations in Geneva.

Simultaneous interpretation available (English to Spanish).

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