Catalina Botero
Director of the UNESCO Chair on Freedom of Expression at Universidad de Los Andes, co-chair of the Oversight Board of Facebook and Instagram
Scholars passionate about learning and research. Oriented to shape new policies that lead to social inclusion, justice, and the protection of rights.
Catalina Botero
Director of the UNESCO Chair on Freedom of Expression at Universidad de Los Andes, co-chair of the Oversight Board of Facebook and Instagram
Daniela Kravetz
Former Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Eritrea, United Nations
Carlos Ayala
Vice-president, Executive Committee, International Commission of Jurists
David Crane
Founding Chief Prosecutor, Special Court for Sierra Leone & Former Under Secretary General, United Nations
Hellen Duffy
Founder, Human Rights in Practice and Professor of International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law at the University of Leiden
Eduardo Ferrer McGregor-Poisot
President, Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Organization of American States, San José, Costa Rica
Felipe Gómez Isa
Professor of Public International Law, Pedro Arrupe Institute of Human Rights, University of Deusto, (Bilbao) Spain
Maria Clara Galvis
Former Vice-chair, Committee on Enforced Disappearances, United Nations
Claudio Grossman
Member, International Law Commission, United Nations, and Dean Emeritus, American University Washington College of Law, Washington, D.C.
Emiliano Buis
Associate Professor of Public International Law, Faculty of Law, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Claudia Martin
Co-director and Professional Lecturer in residence, Academy of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, American University Washington College of Law, Washington, D.C.
Marcos Orellana
Special Rapporteur on Toxics and Human Rights
Juan Méndez
Commissioner, International Commission of Jurists and Professor, American University Washington College of Law, Washington, D.C.
Eduardo Bertoni
Director, Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Washington College of Law, American University
Diego Rodríguez-Pinzón
Member, Committee Against Torture (CAT), United Nations, Co-director and Professional Lecturer in residence, Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, American University Washington College of Law, Washington, D.C.
Rodrigo Uprimny Yepes
Director, Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, American University Washington College of Law, Washington, D.C. Former Member, Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, United Nations. Professor Emeritus of the National University of Colombia.
Laurence Burgorgue-Larsen
Profesor of Public Law at the Sorbonne Law School
Gloria Gaggioli
Former Director of the Geneva Academy and Associate Professor and Vice-Dean of the Law Faculty, University of Geneva