Reading Assessments

Reading Assessments Information - Program of Advanced Studies on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

*This information is exclusively for participants of the Summer Program of Advanced Studies on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

Reading Assessments are mandatory for:

  • Diploma seekers.

  • Participants who are taking the seminars for credit at U.S. or international universities.

  • Participants whose sponsors require them to do so.

Although reading assessments are not mandatory for participants pursuing the Certificate of Attendance, we strongly advise those interested in doing an LL.M. degree at AUWCL in the future to complete the reading assessments as we are able to award credit for this program after enrollment.

There is a mandatory reading period to allow particpants to complete the required reading for their seminars. Participants with more than one seminar are strongly advised to extend their reading period in order to complete their reading. The reading period will take place between June 20th and June 27th, 2025.

The reading assessment period for the 2025 Summer Program will be from June 30th until July 14th at 23:59 Hrs.(Washington, D.C., time) reading assessments cannot be submitted past this deadline. Each reading assessment, once started, has a 48 hour limit to be completed.

Reading assessments Platforms

Credit Participants

  • Credit participants will access the reading assessments through MyWCL.

  • In cases where an expert assigns a paper, participants will be able to upload their papers in the MyWLC. Dropbox for that seminar any time during the whole reading assessment period.

Diploma and Certificate Participants

  • Diploma and Certificate participants must take the reading assessment through Canvas, on the date they choose from the options send via email before the reading assessment info-session.

  • AUWCL adheres to an Honor Code thus reading assessments and papers must be done individually but participants may use all materials and information given during the seminar.

  • Please be aware that AUWCL has a plagiarism detection system available for the experts and such conduct will not be tolerated in the University: participants that exhibit plagiarism will be sanctioned severely, including failure of the reading assessment and the loss of the Certificate or Diploma.

Any attemps to email a reading assessment not submitted through the rigth platform, will not be accepted. Please ensure that you set aside enough time to do each one of the reading assessments within this time frame. The Academy has a "no make-up" Policy for reading assessments.

You have 48 hours to complete each reading assessment starting from the time that you accessed it. Reading assessments are reported out of 100 points and there will be a 10 point deduction for reading assessments not completed within the 48-hour time frame. However, if a reading assessment is downloaded after 11:55 PM EST two days before the deadline, there will be less than 48 hours to complete it since the deadline for all reading assessments is the day to be determined at 11:55 PM EST.

Credit Participants

Reading assessments must be accessed through your MyWCL account. You will gain access to MyWCL shortly after you create your MyAU account. It is preferable that you create your MyAU account before arrival once you receive your AU ID in May. Please check the pre-arrival section of this site and watch the two presentations on how to create your MyAU account and how to use your MyWCL account.

Reading assessments can ONLY be accessed in that way and each participant must download their reading assessments individually. You MUST use this system to complete the reading assessments. Reading assessment questions cannot be obtained from other participants in the seminar, this is considered cheating. For instructions on how to take the MyWCL reading assessment, please read the PowerPoint presentation. If the expert has assigned an essay, please review the instructions to upload that essay to the student Dropbox of your seminar.

Diploma and Certificate Participants

Diploma and Certificate participants must take the reading assessment through Canvas.

Yes. You must receive a passing report (C or whatever your home institution requires as a passing report) on each reading assessment in each one of the seminars in which you are enrolled in order to receive academic credit or your Diploma.

A 24%
A- 29%
B+ 19%
B 13%
B- 10%
C+ 4%
C 1%
D 0%
F 0%

*Reading assessments are meant to be answered individually. You may utilize the materials from the seminar as well as the information provided in the sessions. Plagiarism (copying, duplication, academic dishonesty) is strongly penalized by the Academy and it adheres to the Honor Code established by American University Washington College of Law. Plagiarism includes not only situations where others' opinions and ideas are falsely attributed by the participant as their own, but also cases where the source of the opinion or idea that is being mentioned is not correctly cited giving the Expert all the necessary information to easily access that source. If plagiarism is identified in your reading assessment, the incident will be reported and will be registered under your academic record. You will fail the seminar. We strongly advise you to work on your reading assessments individually.

A 90-100
A- 84-89
B+ 80-83
B 76-79
B- 72-75
C+ 66-71
C 61-65
D 57-60

Reading assessments will be reported anonymously and each expert will report their own question. Each question indicates the name of the expert that has assigned it. Each participant will be assigned an identification number which (s)he will use to mark the reading assessments instead of his/her name.

The Academy’s office hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday. Many participants prefer to take their reading assessments during weekends. Although this is perfectly possible, please note that communications sent during weekends will not be answered until Monday morning, which may be too late to resolve your issue. Please also note that the Academy will be closed on July 4 in observance of U.S. Independence holiday.