So that Participants get the full benefit of the Program the Academy has organized the following events. All participants are encouraged to join these events as these are designed to complement the seminars.
Orientation Session
The 2025 Advanced Studies Program on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law welcomes you. The mandatory orientation will be on May 26, 2025, at 3:00 P.M. at the law school. An access card will be provided for entry to all facilities throughout the three-week program. Session schedules and rooms can be found on Canvas. Attendance at 90% of sessions is mandatory to receive a certificate. Reading assessments will take place from June 30th to July 14th, with an essay option available as an alternative. Additionally, all classrooms are equipped with air conditioning, although it is recommended to bring a jacket due to the uniform temperature in all classrooms.
Summer faculty Dinner
The Academy has scheduled a special dinner for faculty members and LL.M. students participating in the summer program on Wednesday, June 4 at 7:00 p.m. in the Faculty Lounge (Room Y112). Your prompt confirmation of attendance is requested to facilitate event planning. Please inform us of any dietary preferences or allergies to accommodate your needs effectively.