Authors of the book: Disinformation, Misinformation and Democracy
Authors of the book: Disinformation, Misinformation and Democracy

On September 23rd, 2024, the Center had the honor of hosting a book launch event for Disinformation, Misinformation & Democracy, a piece to which our Director, Professor Bertoni, made significant contributions. In this unique event, students had the chance to hear from Professor Bertoni and other major contributors to the book including Ronald Krotoszynski (University of Alabama School of Law), Bernát Török (Institute of the Information Society at the Ludovika University of Public Service (Budapest), and Ciara Torres-Spelliscy (Stetson University College of Law)

The panel discussion titled “The Challenges of Disinformation and Misinformation for Democracy and Democratic Self-Government”, brought together the above esteemed group of experts who examined the critical and growing threat that disinformation and misinformation pose to democratic institutions and processes. Panelists delved into the nuances of these challenges, addressing how the dissemination of false information undermines public trust, distorts democratic self-governance, and threatens the integrity of elections and policy-making worldwide.

The discussion also explored actionable strategies for mitigating these threats while upholding the essential democratic value of freedom of expression. From regulatory frameworks to public awareness campaigns, the panelists shared valuable insights into practical solutions that balance the need to combat disinformation with the protection of fundamental rights. This highly engaging and eye-opening event encouraged dynamic discussions among participants, leaving attendees with a deeper understanding of the intersection between democracy, information integrity, and human rights.

We extend our sincere gratitude to the panelists for their expertise and to everyone who attended and actively contributed to this important conversation. Events like this underscore the Center’s commitment to addressing contemporary human rights challenges through education, dialogue, and collaboration.