Webinars & Presentations
Human Rights Council 51 Side Event | Mercury, Small-Scale Gold Mining and Human Rights

Presentation Plastics and Human Rights | UN General Assembly, 76th session
Dr. Marcos Orellana’s presentation to the UN General Assembly on his report on the effects of plastics on human rights. Click here to view.

Toxics and Indigenous Peoples | Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
The United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) is a high- level advisory body to the Economic and Social Council. The Forum was established on 28 July 2000 by resolution 2000/22, with the mandate to deal with indigenous issues related to economic and social development, culture, the environment, education, health and human rights. Dr. Marcos Orellana made a statement on the issue of toxics and indigenous peoples. Click here to view.

Tackling Environmental Criminality in Developing Countries | European Parliament's Committee on Development (DEVE)
UN Special Rapporteur Dr. Orellana participated in DEVE's workshop addressing environmental crimes in developing countries. He address several pressing issues such as the crime of ecocide and the regulation of mercury in artisanal and small gold mining. He also highlighted the exports of banned pesticides from Europe to devloping countries, such as in the tragedy of toxic waste from Sweden sent to Arica, Chile, and Tunisia illegally taking in hundreds of tons of Italy's waste. Click here to view.

From Science to Policy, Global Issues of Concern, Challenges and Opportunities | 5th session of the UNEA
This briefing, organized in the run-up to the Fifth Session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-5), presented and discussed two of the reports on chemicals and waste issues that were requested to be developed at UNEA-4. Click here to view.