Study Abroad

Geneva: International Trade and IP

2 weeks | 3 credits

June 1 – June 14, 2025


International Rule Making and Dispute Settlement - WTO, WIPO and the Multilateral System

Professor Padideh Ala’i and Professor Christine Haight Farley

This two-week course focuses on the World Trade Organization (WTO) and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), offering students an in-depth look at international issues in IP and trade. During the course, students will have the unique opportunity to have class each day on site at the WTO and WIPO headquarters, engage with WTO and WIPO lawyers through discussions on core issues in international Trade/IP law, and network with Geneva-based international trade and IP experts.

The unit on international IP includes comparative study of international treaties on intellectual property (with a particular emphasis on treaties administered by WIPO), examines the international development and harmonization of substantive and procedural standards that impact inventors and creators, and engages students in contemporary debates around the role of intellectual property in development.

The unit on international trade provides an overview of the substantive areas of international economic relations governed by the WTO Agreements and examines the workings of different WTO divisions. Students will gain deeper insight into the role of the WTO in international rule making, the broad range of topics the WTO addresses, and the WTO’s transparency and dispute settlement mechanisms.

Students who complete the International Trade/IP course will be able to:

  1. Gain familiarity with WIPO treaties and WTO agreements
  2. Understand the role of WIPO and the WTO in developing and maintaining international minimum standards, including in disputes between member states
  3. Recognize the intersections between international IP and international trade
  4. Engage in discussion of contemporary issues facing WIPO and the WTO
  5. Appreciate the role of lawyers and job opportunities in and outside of these organizations;
  6. Critically evaluate the impact and success of the agreements administered by WIPO and the WTO
Geneva, Switzerland

Full-Tuition Scholarships for Government Delegates from Developing Countries

American University Washington College of Law is pleased to announce the application for up to five (5) full-tuition scholarships for government delegates from developing countries to attend our annual course on WTO, WIPO and the Multilateral System, Geneva, Switzerland from June 1 – June 14, 2025. These scholarships are offered through a partnership of American University and the World Intellectual Property Organization to promote education, training and skills-building for WIPO member states.

Apply for the Geneva-Delegate scholarship by April 1 here.

Others may apply to join the course, including current U.S. and non-U.S. law students and legal professionals here.